If learners want to test their knowledge acquisition, they have various options at their disposal. On the one hand, there are activities that enable self-assessment, and on the other hand, there is the opportunity to receive feedback from the other course participants and from the teacher.

The activity Quiz allows learners to check their level of knowledge. The teacher has a variety of question types available for this: calculated, drag and drop, gapfill, multiple choice, matching, short-answer, numerical, select missing words, short answer, true/false and others.
The questions created are saved in a collection of questions and
can be reused for the other courses. When configuring quizzes, the number of attempts and the time limit can be set. Hints and feedback are shown to the learners. When the quiz is restarted, the questions are reorganised. 

The activity Assignment allows students to submit their solutions to the tasks and receive feedback from the teacher. On the one hand, the activity can be used to remind/formulate tasks that are processed and submitted offline; on the other hand, the solution to the task/the result can be submitted via the platform as single or multiple files or directly via online text input. The solutions can be handed in individually or in groups. The teacher has several options for giving feedback: Inline comment, feedback as comment, offline evaluation table and feedback files.

The two forms Lesson and SCORM package serve the primary function of providing content on the platform. However, the content can be supplemented with questions and in this case serves as practice. E-learning units such as simulations, games etc. can be integrated, especially with a SCORM module. This expands the range of exercise options. Systems and processes can be modelled that are difficult to imagine in real situations.

H5P and HotPot are examples of plugins that can be integrated into the learning platform and offer extended options for practising the content. H5P offers formats such as interactive book, dictation, crossword, image choice, multiple choice, mark the words, drag and drop, dialogue cards, fill in the blanks etc. The H5P content can be integrated into other activities or work materials such as lesson or book. The activity HotPot enables teachers to integrate quizzes created with HotPot or TextToys into the Moodle platform. The content is created on the teacher's computer and then uploaded to the platform.