
3. Disadvantages

Notable disadvantages

Distraction Risk: The competitive nature of Kahoot! may lead to distraction, as students may focus more on the game aspect than the educational content. As multiple players are connected, the level of competition can be increased, thus leading to stress and anger among kids.

Inequality in Pace: In live settings, some students may answer questions more quickly than others, leading to discrepancies in participation and potential feelings of being left behind.

Accessibility Concerns: Despite efforts to improve accessibility, some students with specific needs may still face challenges using the platform. This can be solved by using computer classrooms.

Potential for Cheating: The competitive environment may lead to students attempting to cheat by collaborating during the game, compromising the integrity of assessments.

Paid Content Limitation: While the platform offers a range of features, some valuable resources and advanced functionalities may be restricted to premium or paid plans, potentially limiting access for users seeking comprehensive educational tools.

Annoying background music: Sometimes, background music can be distracting and stressful, which ultimately leads to the student’s diversion from its goal.