Wordwall: Create better lessons quicker
M. Gameshow Quiz Activity
The activity Gameshow Quiz is similar to activity Quiz. However, it has much more interesting display and you have there much more options in the activity/game, which we show later:
1. As in the activity Quiz, you have to fill in the question first.
2. Fill in the answers for your question.
3. Then click, which answer is correct and which is incorrect (sign X).
4. You can add more than 3 options.
Your activity will look like this:
Your task is to read question or clue and choose from options below. The activity count the amount of your score after answering. There is timer and if you answer quickly, you will have much more score as if you answer slowly. So how much time you left as much you will have points. There are some three more options as you can see:
a.) x2 Score = Means, that amount of your score after answering will double. So if you answer correct and your score is 200, you will have 400 points for this answer.
b.) 50:50 = If you are not sure, which answer is correct, you can eliminate half of the options. So if we have three options there and you click this option, there will be only tow to choose from.
c.) Extra Time = If you do not have much time, because the question is very hard, you can just click this option. It will stop the time for you.
ATTENTION! You can use these options ONCE in the whole game. It is not available in every round, so be careful.