Learner Autonomy

1. Autonomy in Education

1.1. Think

1. Write down three words which come to your mind when you hear the term learner autonomy. Can you envision these words in a classroom context or in education in general?

2. Read the following quote from the book Emile, or Education (Rousseau,1914). Can you relate your three words to any of the ideas presented? Which three other ideas coming out of this quote do you think might be connected to the Learner autonomy?

 „Teach your scholar to observe the phenomena of nature; you will soon rouse his curiosity, but if you would have it grow, do not be in too great a hurry to satisfy this curiosity. Put the problems before him and let him solve them himself. Let him know nothing because you have told him, but because he has learnt it for himself. If ever you substitute authority for reason he will cease to reason, he will be a mere plaything of other people’s thoughts …“

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. 1762 (1914). Emile, or Education. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. 

Available at: https://oll.libertyfund.org/title/rousseau-emile-or-education