Language, Cognition and Scaffolding

2. Cognitive engagement

2.4. Cognitive Teaching and Cognitive Questioning


  1. literal
  2. interpretative
  3. critical
What is a XY name?                                                   Remembering
Explain why xy are surprised?                                     Understanding
Why do they call them  houses?                                  Applying
Why do they come to visit the Earth?                           Analysing
Should they take these pills or go for alternative ones? Evaluating
Design a prototype....                                                 Creating

literate and interpretative questions suitable for CLIL lessons

Literate Questions:

  1. What are the key facts or details presented in the text/video/presentation?
  2. Can you identify the main idea or central theme of the content?
  3. How would you summarize the information in your own words?
  4. What vocabulary words or terms are essential for understanding the topic?
  5. Can you list any examples or instances provided to support the main argument?

Interpretative Questions:

  1. How does the information presented in this content relate to what we have learned previously?
  2. What do you think the author/presenter's perspective or purpose might be? How can you support your interpretation?
  3. What connections can you draw between this topic and real-life situations or current events?
  4. What are some potential implications or consequences of the ideas discussed?
  5. How might different cultural or societal perspectives influence interpretations of this content?
Remember to formulate all kind of cognitive questions when you plan your CLIL lesson.