2. Evaluation

2.1. Use

“Use" refers to how the individual respondents use ePortfolios. The focus is not only on how the interviewees use ePortfolios during the ASP, but also in which contexts they have already used ePortfolios and corresponding tools.

In the “Use" category, the following codes were defined according to Mayring:

  • First time use
  • Subject-related statements
  • Purpose of use (retrospective, self-reflection, teaching/study-related);
  • Purpose of use (teaching/study-related), more precisely:
  • Accompanying
  • Phases/projects
  • Internship

1. Students

The three students interviewed worked with Mahara for the first time as part of the ASP. S1 and S3 generally worked with ePortfolios/the portfolio concept for the first time, while S2 had already created ePortfolios with the Pages tool. S3 says that during the internship he was not able to create and submit the internship portfolio with Mahara, but filled a USB stick with media content.

2. Teachers

The four teachers each use Mahara in different contexts.

L1 and L3 tended to use ePortfolios in the context of preparing for the A-Level, i.e. in a specific phase, but sometimes also during lessons. L4, on the other hand, shows intensive use of Mahara in relation to projects/phases, especially in preparation for the A-Level, as well as during lessons. L2 says that she has not yet been able to use it at the school, but that she has already gained experience at her training school in the past.

3. Pupils

The portfolio concept is an integral part of teaching in some subjects at the Max-Beckmann-Schule Frankfurt. All pupil groups have similar terms of use. In some subjects, ePortfolio concepts are used more intensively than in others. They also use it in project phases, to prepare for the A-level, for homework and occasionally for self-reflection (SuS4)