3. Drawbacks

In this chapter you can find DRAWBACKS of Wordwall platform. You should go through them to be aware of disadvantages for using smoothly the Wordwall in ways it is only enable.

a.) Upgrade:

As we said in chapter 'Benefits' the Wordwall is free platform for first 5 activities. After that you have to pay for upgrade, but it is not so expensive. There are two plans to pay for:

=>Standard plan: 

This includes:

  • Creating unlimited activities
  • Printables
  • 18 standard templates
=> Pro plan:

This includes

  • Creating unlimited activities
  • Printables
  • 18 standard templates
  • 15 pro templates
You can pay monthly or yearly. In case of year payment you can save 10% of money. However, it is subscription, not paying for sort of package of templates, so you can get along with basics or pay monthly the amount of money. You can find the plans here: Price Plans.

b.) Switching templates are not so easy:

We say, that there are many templates you can use for creating activity. And if you have activity and template is not good enough, you can switch for another one. However, some templates are not compatible with another. For example:

 Some templates, like Anagram or Wordsearch, only work with plain text. If your material contains images, numbers, or special characters, we can't always convert them into those text-based templates.

Some templates require a minimum amount of content. For example, a Whack-a-mole requires at least 5 correct and 5 incorrect answers.

Some templates, like Random wheel, have a simple list of content, which can't be converted into more complex structures like questions and answers.

c.) Little options:

For some teachers available options are not enough. Maybe they want to underline some things in sentences or mark some words etc to highlight it for students. This is not available in options that Wordwall offer.

d.) Question's time:

In case of results, there is no information about amount of time students needs by doing certain question. It would be good for teacher to see this, when students do homework and when teacher wants to give a test to student, teacher knows the amount of time, students need for taking the test.

e.) Not all are printable:

In case of activities, some templates are not printable, so it might by a problem, when teacher doesn't want to use digital divice and prin it for students as a test etc.

f.) Private the activity:

The option of privating the activity is good, until you are the teacher, who needs it. When you make your activity private, it is good for keeping the rights on it. However, it is of no use for other teachers that might like it.