B. Quiz Activity:

In the activity Quiz, you can play the Quiz with your students. You can seperate them in the teams, or let them play it individually. You can score them for each correct answer. We will show the Quiz with the same key words and definitions as with Match up activity:

1. First step is to fill in the Question, so the definition for your key word.

2. You have to choose 2 or more other key words, students have to find, if you want to do the Quiz.

3. You fill in in the answers a,b,c all your key words.

4. You have to sign, which of your key words, from the answers a-b is correct (the check ✔ symbol) and waht is wrong (the X symbol).

5. Continue these steps with all your key words and definition, BUT be aware, which you sign as correct and incorrect!

Your acitvity will look like this:

You have to choose from the 3 possible answers. Then you click the arrow in the bottom for the next questions. 

In the right corner of your activity, you have points.

In the left corner you have timer.