D. Flash Cards Activity:

In the activity Flash Cards, you can make the cards, which have from one side the key word and on the other side the definition of the key word, or the translation. It is good for the language teaching, or for teaching definitions, if your students have problem with it. You can fill in the cards the definitions and then on the other side some example for better understanding of the grammar:

1. You have to fill in the definitions and the key words oposite to them

2. You can choose there, if you want single-sided cards, or double-sided.

Your activity will look like this:

You have on the one side the definition and on the other side the key word. With the button 'Flip' you can turn around the card and show the key word. With the button 'Next', the activity will show next definition.

There are some extended options below the activity, so you shoul check and try them too.