1. Autonomy in Education

1.17. Sources and further reading

BENSON, P., 2001, Teaching and Researching Autonomy in Language Classroom. Longman

DWECK, C., 2017, Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential. Robinson.

ELLIS,G., 1999, Developing Children´s Metacognitive Awarenwess. In: Kennedy,Ch.(ed.): Innovation and Best Practice. Longman, pp.180-120

HOLEC, H., 1981, Autonomy in Foreign  Language learning. Oxford: Pergamon.

OXFORD,R., 1990, Language learning strategies – What every teacher should know. Heinle and Heinle Publishers, U.S.A.

SCHARLE, A., SZABÓ,A., 2000, Learner Autonomy: A guide to developing learner responsibility. CUP.

SINCLAIR,B. et al., 2001, Learner Autonomy, Teacher Autonomy: Future Directions. Longman