Topic Name Description
Page Netiquette

Netiquette is etiquette on the Internet. In order to feel compfortable while discussing something with the others in Moodle we could follow some rules.

AUTONOMY AND SELF-REFLECTION in education Book Learner Autonomy

In this section, you will:

  • become acquainted with the term learner autonomy in education
  • understand the difference between learner autonomy and learner agency
  • know in what ways learner autonomy can be supported in the classroom
  • understand how the capacity to be autonomous develops in learners

Book Self-reflection and reflective practices

In this section, we will consider the role of self-reflection in the development of Learner autonomy. You will:

  • understand how self-reflection helps learners become empowered learners
  • be able to identify several methods of developing reflective skills in learners
  • learn about the portfolio as a tool for supporting reflection

Book Tools for developing Learner Autonomy and Self-reflection

This section considers selected tools for the development of reflective skills necessary for Learner autonomy. You will:

  • learn about good practices for reflective skills
  • know various tools teachers can use
  • understand how individual tools help in the development of reflective skills

Learning Management System MOODLE Folder Learning Journal

The provided document, Learning Journey "How to use Moodle," serves as support for working through the self-learning module. The document can be edited using a device of your choice: for tablet use, the PDF version is suitable, while the PowerPoint version is recommended for computer use. Learning Journey offers the opportunity to: assess your own knowledge of the content covered in the module, set the focus for further module work, reflect on your learning process, and jot down insights or important information from the module. The document serves as guidance and can be freely formatted in terms of content.


Page Bibliography

(Mahara) Electronic PORTFOLIO URL An Introduction to Mahara (by WelTecOnline)

To support the overall comprehension of how Mahara e-portfolio works, watch the following video which provides a short introduction to the platform and its functionalities. 

Book Theoretical Background to Electronic Portfolio

In this part, the following issues related to e-portfolio will be addressed:

  • Definition of (E)-portfolio
  • Paper versus E-portfolios
  • Classification of (E)-portfolios
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of E-portfolios
  • Steps towards Successful E-portfolio Implementation 

File (Mahara) E-portfolio – research conducted at the University of Prešov (2017 – present)

The following presentation provides an overview of the research on e-portfolio which has been conducted at the University of Prešov since 2017 until now. Each slide summarizes the aim and research results.

Page References

The list of references used in the theoretical background to the topic is available here. 

File Mahara e-portfolio manual

This personalized manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to use e-portfolio especially for users - beginners.

Page The Official Mahara Manual and Glossary
Here you can find the latest version of the official Mahara manual and glossary of basic, but also advanced terms used in Mahara. 
Page Watch and Answer

In this part of the course, you are going to watch two videos about e-portfolios and answer the follow-up questions. 

DIGITAL TOOLS and Applications Book Change in Education
URL Pay attention

The video presenting alarming facts about the use of technology and its impact on education was published in 2007 - still worth watching.

URL Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future

Watch the video from the TEDex conference. Joe Ruhl speaks about waht does it mean to Tteach and inspie the students of the future

Book CLIL and STEM in teaching
URL Course on Digital Tools
URL Watch the video - The Future of Happiness: Getting Unstuck in the Digital Era
Amy Blanson develops the idea that It's time to start giving intention to our attention.

Page Further reading suggestions

Further reading suggestions

DIGITAL CLIL Book CLIL and technology driven world

In the past fifty yeaiars, the world has undergone profound changes in the way information is both provided and acquired, as described by Goodwyn (2014). From the earliest films of the 1960s to the latest technological devices, the media landscape has evolved significantly. Major advancements such as AI, the internet, Skype, and email have revolutionized communication, while social networks have transformed online interaction. With teachers increasingly refining their writing skills through digital platforms like blogs, traditional reading habits have also been influenced by visual media. This shift has led to the emergence of new literacies, including visual literacy, as articulated by Debes (1969). Visual literacy, encompassing the ability to interpret visual stimuli and integrate sensory information, plays a crucial role in learning and communication in our modern, technology-driven world. As society becomes increasingly computer-literate, the integration of technology into education has become imperative to meet the evolving needs of learners.

URL Digital CLIL

Recognizing the need to improve lifelong transversal skills and address low digital and multilingual proficiency among adults, the "Digitalclil 4all" project aims to develop a new teaching method. This method, called Digital Clil, combines the CLIL approach with ICT to enhance language learning and digital skills for adult learners.

Inspire yourself

Book CLIL in the Context of Foreign Language Teaching

1. What is Content and Language Integrated learning

The objective is

  • to foster an initial understanding of the CLIL methodology and its potential
  • to  introduce how CLIL works                                                                                      
  • to provide useful CLIL resources and ready-to-use materials

Folder Theories behind CLIL

This part aims to provide some clues of the theoretical framework behind the CLIL methodology. We explore the pedagogical approach known as CLIL, which seeks to develop language proficiency and subject knowledge simultaneously. We investigate the 4Cs framework, which emphasises content, cognition, communication and culture and serves as a design basis for CLIL lessons. We also look at the Language Triptych model, which highlights how language input, output, and interaction interact in CLIL classrooms, and we talk about helpful scaffolding strategies to help students access language objectives and material.

Listen to these four ppt audio presentations. Try to find out whether you have met with CLIL and how different subject/language teachers prepare their CLIL lessons.

URL Do Coyle's perspective on language in CLIL

Do Coyle explains her ideas around the importance of language in CLIL. A key concept she uses is literacy (gramotnosť), which has a broader meaning in English than in Slovak, because it does not only include the capacity to read and write, but also the capacity to write coherently, and think critically about the written word. She develops the concept of Literacy across the curriculum, showing that any subject, even Maths, where the language of algebra feels far removed from everyday language learning, has at its core integral key aspects of literacy. Enjoy the video and check the following activity.

Book Language, Cognition and Scaffolding
URL More on scaffolding

Scaffolding is like building a ladder of support to help you reach higher levels of understanding and skill. Just like when learning to ride a bike, you might start with training wheels, then remove them as you get more confident. Check out this link to learn more about how scaffolding works and why it is essential for your academic growth

File Substitution tables

The purpose of substitution tables in CLIL is to support learners linguistically, providing the necessary scaffolding and allowing learners to focus on the conceptual question at hand. Therefore, they are a perfect tool to support writing or talking  (some more ideas from a paper by John Clegg).

Page What to know more?
File Sources used in CLIL topic

Here is a file that organizes the references according to the sections they were referenced in: