Section outline

  • Welcome to the Course on Autonomy Development using ePortfolio



    Dear colleagues,

    welcome to the Course Autonomy Development using ePortfolio. The course is the outcome of the Erasmus+ project Development through autonomy, self-responsibility and selfcare: ePortfolios as a life-long-learning approach from secondary school to university (2021-1-SK01-KA220-SCH-000024680). The project was realised by 5 partners from

    Many of you already possess considerable knowledge about autonomy, as well as experience with using portfolios. However, the aim of this course is to provide you with both technical and methodological insights into utilizing various digital tools to foster autonomy.
    The course equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use Moodle as a teaching and learning platform in their future classrooms, as well as Mahara e-portfolio. Special sessions are dedicated to discussing autonomy development, utilizing digital tools, and digital CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Each session establishes clear learning outcomes, allowing students the flexibility to engage with the sessions in any order they prefer. All sessions are connected by the idea how to develop autonomy using ePortfolio.

  • x

    • x   Section 1: Learner Autonomy

    • In this section, you will:

      • become acquainted with the term learner autonomy in education
      • understand the difference between learner autonomy and learner agency
      • know in what ways learner autonomy can be supported in the classroom
      • understand how the capacity to be autonomous develops in learners

    • x   Section 2: Self-reflection and reflective practices

    • In this section, we will consider the role of self-reflection in the development of Learner autonomy. You will:

      • understand how self-reflection helps learners become empowered learners
      • be able to identify several methods of developing reflective skills in learners
      • learn about the portfolio as a tool for supporting reflection

    • x   Section 3: Tools for developing Learner autonomy and self-reflection 

    • This section considers selected tools for the development of reflective skills necessary for Learner autonomy. You will:

      • learn about good practices for reflective skills
      • know various tools teachers can use
      • understand how individual tools help in the development of reflective skills

    • The image shows the structure of the Moodle course.

      Digital media have become an integral part of the everyday lives of teachers and learners. While the Moodle learning management system has long been established in schools and universities and has found its way into many classrooms, working with ePortfolios is still not very widespread, especially in schools. In this self-study module, both aspects are explained: the basics of working with LMS Moodle with regard to the connection with the ePortfolio concept.

      This learning module is structured as follows:

      • Concepts of e-learning, blended learning and flipped classroom
      • About Learning Management System Moodle
      • Use of Moodle in teaching
      • Moodle and ePortfolio
      • Tipps for using Moodle in teaching

    • The provided document, Learning Journey "How to use Moodle," serves as support for working through the self-learning module. The document can be edited using a device of your choice: for tablet use, the PDF version is suitable, while the PowerPoint version is recommended for computer use. Learning Journey offers the opportunity to: assess your own knowledge of the content covered in the module, set the focus for further module work, reflect on your learning process, and jot down insights or important information from the module. The document serves as guidance and can be freely formatted in terms of content.

    • Section 1: E-Learning, Blended-Learning, Flipped Classroom

      Description: In Section 1, you'll learn about the concepts of e-Learning, blended-learning, and flipped classroom, along with examples of how these models can be used in teaching. After engaging with the content, an exercise related to the covered topics will be provided. Please record your insights in your Learning Journal.

    • Section 2: About Learning Managament System Moodle

      Description: In this section, you will learn more about the Learning Management System Moodle, understanding what it is and the added value that utilizing this learning platform can bring.
    • Section 3: Use of Moodle in Teaching

      Description: In this section, you will learn about the goals of using the LMS Moodle in teaching, what a virtual classroom entails, and how it can be structured based on Moodle.
    • Section 4: Moodle and ePortfolio

      Description: In this chapter, you will learn the basics of what the concept of ePortfolio means, the goals for its use in teaching, and how the ePortfolio can be integrated into the Moodle learning platform.
    • Section 5: Tips to use Moodle

      Description: Furthermore, you can find support for yourself when working with the Moodle learning platform: tips on what to consider before using Moodle, during the learning phase, and after the course. You can also check your knowledge of the learning module's content with a quiz.
    • Thank you for participation. Please remember to fill in your learning journal.

      Image sources:


      Geometric background:

  • Mahara content 

    Welcome to the course on (Mahara) e-portfolio. You are going to learn more about electronic portfolios, their implementation and possible advantages and disadvantages. 

    • Section 1: Introduction to (Mahara) E-portfolio


      • to provide the theoretical background to (Mahara) electronic portfolios
      • to share the results of the e-portfolio research conducted at the University of Prešov

    • To support the overall comprehension of how Mahara e-portfolio works, watch the following video which provides a short introduction to the platform and its functionalities. 

    • In this part, the following issues related to e-portfolio will be addressed:

      • Definition of (E)-portfolio
      • Paper versus E-portfolios
      • Classification of (E)-portfolios
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of E-portfolios
      • Steps towards Successful E-portfolio Implementation 

    • The following presentation provides an overview of the research on e-portfolio which has been conducted at the University of Prešov since 2017 until now. Each slide summarizes the aim and research results.

    • The list of references used in the theoretical background to the topic is available here. 

    •  Section 2: Manuals and Glossaries


      • to provide useful guidelines and basic terminology related to e-portfolio 

    • This personalized manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to use e-portfolio especially for users - beginners.

    • This is a general glossary containing useful terms related to e-portfolios.

    • Here you can find the latest version of the official Mahara manual and glossary of basic, but also advanced terms used in Mahara. 
    • Section 3: Course Round-up


      • to reflect on the content so far, and deepen your knowledge about e-portfolios.

    • In this part of the course, you are going to watch two videos about e-portfolios and answer the follow-up questions. 

    • This forum serves as a place to share your impressions, experience with e-portfolio and to make inquiries.

  • digital learners

    • bil   Section 1: Change in Education

      Description: In this section, you will learn more about the change in education we face at the beginning of the 21 century, skills needed in a digital age and online learning.
    • The video presenting alarming facts about the use of technology and its impact on education was published in 2007 - still worth watching.

    • b Section 2: Profile of a secondary school learner

      Description: In this section, you will learn more about the secondary school learner, the concept digital natives and generation Z.
    • Watch the video from the TEDex conference. Joe Ruhl speaks about waht does it mean to Tteach and inspie the students of the future

    • bSection 3: Integration in teaching

      Description: In this section, you will learn more about the possible integration of subjects, the concept and characteristics of CLIL and STEM will be presented as the samples of effective integration .
    • bSection 4: Digital Tools in Education

    • Amy Blanson develops the idea that It's time to start giving intention to our attention.

    • Table of Contents

      By combining educational methods that prioritise autonomy, self-responsibility, and self-care with Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), such ePortfolios, an attractive framework for lifelong learning from secondary school to university is presented.

      CLIL, which is well-known for emphasising both language learning and content, connects with the ePortfolio idea of encouraging independence and self-directed learning. Educators may establish a comprehensive learning environment where students acquire linguistic skills and disciplinary knowledge, but also develop vital life competencies and routines that are necessary for success beyond the classroom by combining these two approaches. With this combination, students will be able to take charge of their education, overcome obstacles with fortitude, and pursue ongoing self-improvement, building a strong basis for both lifetime learning and personal growth

      The phrases Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Digital tools combine ICT to enhance the online element of teaching with the CLIL approach, which uses a target foreign language to teach subjects that are not linguistic. The main goal is to strengthen and improve students' language and digital competencies so they can participate more actively in the job market.

      This learning module is structured as follows:
      • Digital CLIL
      • Bilingualism, Immersion and CLIL
      • CLIL Introduction
      • Cognition and Scaffolding in CLIL
      • Tips for Combining CLIL and ePortfolios

    • picSection 1: Digital CLIL

      Description: In this section, you will explore how the combining of digital tools enhances Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL. We will look at the ways that digital technology creates new opportunities for interaction with language and content goals. Come along as we explore cutting-edge methods for using Digital CLIL to improve learning opportunities in the digital era.
    • picSection 2: Bilingualism, Immersion and CLIL

      Description: In this section, you will learn about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as a teaching approach that combines language learning with content matter to foster academic success and bilingualism at the same time. Comprehending CLIL is essential for both teachers and students since it improves language proficiency, increases cultural awareness, and improves cognitive skills in immersive bilingual education settings.the change in education we face at the beginning of the 21 century, skills needed in a digital age and online learning.
    • picSection 3: CLIL Introduction

      Description: In this part, you will learn about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as a teaching approach that combines language learning with content matter to foster academic success and bilingualism at the same time. Comprehending CLIL is essential for both teachers and students since it improves language proficiency, increases cultural awareness, and improves cognitive skills in immersive bilingual education settings.the change in education we face at the beginning of the 21 century, skills needed in a digital age and online learning.
    • picSection 4: Cognition and Scaffolding in CLIL

      Description: In this section, you will learn that cognition plays a vital role in this methodology, as well as scaffolding. Here, we look at how students actively interact with language and content to promote critical thinking skills and knowledge learning. By applying practical information, we demonstrate efficient scaffolding strategies teachers use to support this two-way learning process, encouraging increased comprehension and language skills.
    • picSection 5: Tips for Combining CLIL and ePortfolios

      Description: In this section, you  will examine the effective combination of ePortfolios and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), two modern pedagogical strategies that, when integrated, provide a dynamic platform for raising student motivation, language proficiency, and lifelong ability to learn.