Setup phase

Workshop timeline with 5 phasesSkip to current tasks
Setup phase
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Assessment phase
Grading evaluation phase

Do form the groups of 3-4 students  and prepare a lesson plan for 1 CLIL lesson. The subject topic, language triptych, the scaffolding activities, tasks, the level of learners, digital tools - these issues are up to you.  You will teach only 15 minutes, so choose only the part of the lesson. 

Clarification of some instructions:

As for groups - it is up to your decision how these groups will be formed;

As for a target language - it must not necessarily be English; if you go for a different FL, do not forget to provide a lot of support; moreover, think about the target audience and their language proficiency within the FL;

As for teaching - the form and the way are up to the group´s  decision , either you choose someone or you can take turns.

Coyle, Marsh and Hood (CUP 2010, p 48) define four stages in the process of implementing CLIL lessons.

Below you will find a summary of these four stages and a visual scheme of them in the form of a pyramid.

Stage 1: A shared vision for CLIL The first stage involves those interested in CLIL at your school: language teachers, subject teachers, managers, and so on, engaging in the construction of a shared vision of CLIL.

Stage 2: Analysing and personalising the CLIL context This stage requires those responsible for the CLIL programme to construct a model for CLIL that grows from the vision shared in Stage 1. They can add the local situation: school type and size, environment, teacher supply, national policies and so on.

Stage 3: Planning and preparing a unit There are four steps at this stage, related to the 4Cs: Content, Cognition, Communication, Culture. Step 1: Considering content Step 2: Connecting content and cognition, analysing and selecting the thinking skills, problem solving and creativity which connect with the content Step 3: Communication, defining language learning and using, and providing the proper language scaffolding Step 4: Developing cultural awareness and opportunities

Stage 4: Monitoring and evaluating the unit Monitoring the development of a unit and evaluating the processes and outcomes are integral to the teaching and learning process. This stage focuses on understanding classroom processes as they evolve to gain insights which inform future planning.