The Moodle learning platform offers various options for making teaching and learning material available. When uploading materials and information, the teacher should pay attention to copyrights.

File or folder offer the option of uploading files in different formats. File is useful for individual files. Folder is useful when several files belong together. These resources are helpful if you want to provide materials that have been prepared in advance, e.g. presentations, worksheets, software files, etc. The files are saved on the learner's end device after downloading. For certain file types, learners need appropriate software for further editing. 

  Page, text & media area, book and lesson are further options for presenting content within the Moodle course.

  • Text & media area is primarily used to structure the course room and as a placeholder between the activities and resources, e.g. to give instructions or clearly organise the course. Audio, video and image files can be added.
  • Page is well-suited for presenting short content. The integration of multimedia is also possible. Compared to file, page is easier to edit from the app and within the platform.
  • Book is the resource that consists of several pages. Multimedia content can be integrated. The book can be printed out as a whole or as individual chapters. 
  • Lesson offers the possibility of presenting the learning material and supplementing it with questions such as multiple choice, matching and short answer. The resource is suitable for creating branching scenarios. The time required to create a lesson is usually estimated to be relatively high.

 SCORM package and IMS content package enable the integration of files according to these standards. If you, as a teacher, work with e-learning software and create interactive content such as simulations, serious games and interactive learning modules, in most cases, it is possible to save this content in SCORM format and integrate it into the learning modules.

 H5P is an additional plugin that is not integrated into the learning platform at all institutions. The H5P content can be created on the provider's website, saved locally and integrated into the course. If H5P-Plugin is integrated into your learning platform, it is possible to develop the content on the platform. H5P offers numerous interactive exercise formats such as interactive book, interactive video, picture selection, find hotspot, etc.

Both SCORM and H5P content can be used not only to present learning material, but also to practise the content.

  External content is linked via URL: such as videos stored on other platforms, materials from external digital tools such as interactive exercises, online pinboards, collaborative workspaces and other resources from the web.