2. Evaluation

2.5. Changes/effect

The category "change/effect" refers to what has specifically changed in relation to teaching. The following codes were identified:

  • Digitisation
  • Effort (in the neutral sense)
  • Organisation


As the students had little or no previous experience with ePortfolios and this type of work had not yet been carried out (see Use), they were not asked any questions on this topic.


Teachers offer insights into various aspects of the changes in their own teaching and the pupil experience that they themselves perceive. As teachers use ePortfolios in different ways (see Use), there are various aspects that need to be analysed.

L1 emphasises that the teaching materials are constantly accessible to both pupils and teachers and that this can enable a structured design of lessons and teaching materials. In addition, a feedback culture among the pupils is promoted, which serves to learn from each other, whereby more personal responsibility also lies with the pupils themselves. L2 also sees a change in the assumption of personal responsibility, whereby the teacher takes on more of an observer role. She also points out that the preparation and evaluation of lessons represents a considerable amount of extra work. Compared to conventional lessons, L3 gives pupils more freedom and invests time to address individual problems. However, she also recognises that evaluating lessons is time-consuming and requires a lot of consultation and insight. However, the pupils would be more creative and intrinsically motivated, even beyond the requirements of the work assignment. L4 maintains open communication with pupils and promotes a stronger feedback culture. As a result, she develops a better understanding of them and promotes a co-operative approach that is more akin to coaching, which is in line with the aforementioned observer role. At the same time, she warns of possible stressful situations, especially if pupils do not like the ePortfolio concept and feel that they are being watched.


All groups state that they have noticed extra work. They also state that they are experiencing increased digitalisation in the classroom, which has an impact on their working methods and their interaction with the materials, as well as on their skills development in dealing with digital media. In this context, SuS2 emphasises that they have to pay more attention to data protection and copyrights than in conventional lessons.